What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient vision of life with its roots in India. The word comes from Sanskrit and means 'to connect' or 'to bring together'. Yoga unites your body, mind and soul. Many Westerners consider performing yoga postures to be yoga. But yoga is more than just quiet movement or controlling your breath. Yoga has many forms of expression, it is part of a philosophy of life, which has been expressed in a number of famous Indian scriptures. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are the best known of these.

Yoga is inspiring. It offers you a way to live passionately and fully. The path of yoga is one of unprecedented possibilities. There is no right or wrong, there are no limitations, there are pure possibilities. Yoga is supposed to be woolly, but it is the opposite. The journey of discovery within puts you with both feet on the ground. It brings you joy, insight and inspiration, it is the path to a harmonious and engaged life. With yoga, you get the best out of yourself and the world. On the yoga mat, if you want to live with heart and soul.

By actively practising yoga, you can greatly influence, or rather improve, the quality of your life. It makes you feel better and fitter physically and purifies your energetic body. Do away with the blockages in your energy pathways, by practising yoga your life energy will flow freely again. Yoga can be used for everything:

- To get back to yourself and relax.
- As a pick-me-up and a moment of reflection.
- To start the day full of energy and end it well.
- As a journey of discovery, to rise above yourself and discover your unprecedented possibilities.
- To open up to yourself, others and the world.
- To stimulate your zest for life and release tension and emotions.
- To build self-confidence and increase resilience.
- As a refuge in a world full of stress and worries.
- To purify body and mind and thus avoid illness.
- To bridge 'heavy weather' and relieve tension.
- To accept change, yourself and others.
- For physical or mental complaints.
- To feel good in a healthy and flexible body.
- To live in harmony and full of dedication and love.