Fun, playful, deepening and understanding of yourself

Vinyasa Yoga

The Bolero. Ravel's musical gem is edifying. And powerful from beginning to end. Repetitive too, but always stronger, deeper, richer. The same goes for the Vinyasa yoga class at AntwerpYoga. Count on a fine experience, deepening and insight into yourself. Vinyasa Yoga stems from Ashtanga Yoga. They are two physical forms of yoga characterized by non-stop movement.
On the rhythm of breathing one posture flows over into the next. Vinyasa Yoga is very varied. Depending on the creativity and the character of the yoga teacher, there is a new series of exercises every class. No fixed series of poses like in mother Ashtanga, but a new surprise every time.
AntwerpYoga smiling yogi

Anything for me?

Vinyasa Yoga is a powerful form of Yoga. But every teacher gives his own interpretation of it. With one it is a bit harder, while with another it is a bit softer. Performing the Vinyasa series requires effort and you might even use muscles that you didn't know existed. Are you a beginner? Then start in the Vinyasa basic classes.

What does a typical class look like?

Vinyasa Yoga is intensive but accessible. Classes at AntwerpYoga vary from one hour to one and a half hours, and there are very quiet classes (Easy Flow), challenging classes (Vinyasa Basic) and challenging classes (Vinyasa Yoga). Common denominator is the Vinyasa Flow: each class is as it were one flowing movement in which intensive stretching exercises (standing, sitting and lying down) alternate. There is also often a backbend and/or inverted posture and you get a piece of life wisdom and yoga philosophy. As each pose is a preparation for the next, you stretch deeper and deeper, pushing your boundaries.

Vinyasa Yoga is taught at AntwerpYoga by different yoga teachers. Take a look at the class schedule to see who teaches who and try out different classes. All classes are special and reflect the character of the yoga teacher. Almost everyone develops a favourite after a while.